NGC 6164  



HPOL joins international Wolf-Rayet campaign
2012 December 13 — The HPOL team has joined the international collaboration "Probing the Winds of Wolf-Rayet Stars." During the summer of 2013, in conjunction with professional and amateur astronomers worldwide, we will conduct nightly observations of the Wolf-Rayet stars WR 134, WR 135, and WR 137. The spectropolarimetric data we obtain, particularly when combined with high spectral- and time-resolution spectroscopy from collaborators, will help probe the clumpy structures in the winds of these active stars.
AAS presentations scheduled
2012 November 12 — My students and I will present several research posters at the upcoming 221st AAS meeting. Here's the rundown:
        Monday, January 7         Tuesday, January 8 Stop by and check us out!
Supercomputing time awarded
2012 September 22 — Our group has been awarded 1.3 million hours of computing time on the Texas Advanced Computing Center's 63,000-core Ranger cluster. This award, made through NSF's XSEDE partnership, will support construction of SLIP models of Type IIn and other supernovae.
NASA will fund V444 Cyg project
2012 September 17 — We've received notification that our recent proposal to the NASA Astronomical Data Analysis Program, "The Geometry of the Stellar Winds and Shock Structure in V444 Cyg", will be funded in FY 2013. This award will fund data reduction and analysis for Jamie Lomax's X-ray observations of the interacting-wind binary system V444 Cyg with the XMM-Newton satellite (AO-11).
Report from Aspen workshop
2012 July 7 — I had a great time at the Aspen Center for Physics in June. I was selected to attend a small two-week workshop on "The Evolution of Massive Stars and Progenitors of GRBs", where I learned a lot about GRBs and how they relate to the kinds of supernovae and massive stars we've been working on. I gave a presentation entitled Polarimetric Evidence for Asymmetry in Supernovae and Progenitors (email me for PowerPoint or other formats). I was also inordinately proud of myself for hiking to Cathedral Lake.