Activities for Women in Astronomy at UC Berkeley

This list is constantly changing, so check back often for the latest details. Most activities are joint with the Society for Women in the Physical Sciences (SWPS). For more information on any of these events, email jhoffman at

Graduate and postdoctoral women from physics, astronomy, and related fields are invited to free social dinners, usually in 375 LeConte or 661 Campbell, on or about the first Tuesday of every month. Exact dates, times, and locations will be posted here as soon as they are known.
December 2006
First week of December — Holiday Women's Dinner, date/time/location TBD
  The last graduate/postdoc women's dinner of the semester will be a holiday party at a student's house. We'll have potluck food, a white elephant gift exchange, music, and holiday fun. Check back soon for more details!
Past Activities
Launch Day, 8/25/04, 8/24/05, and 8/23/06
  Launch Day is an annual orientation event for incoming first-year and transfer students intending majors in physics and astronomy. Sponsored by the Society for Women in the Physical Sciences, Launch Day features fun social activities as well as opportunities for students to become familiar with the departments and meet professors, staff, and other students. Find past schedules of activities, pictures of the events, and links to resources for undergraduate science majors at the Launch Day 2004, Launch Day 2005, and Launch Day 2006 pages.
Expanding Your Horizons, Mills College, 3/13/04, 3/19/05, and 3/18/06
  Undergrads, graduate students, and postdocs from UC Berkeley organized workshops for middle-school girls at the 2004–2006 Mills College Expanding Your Horizons conferences. In 2004, we calculated the sun's rotation period and made pinhole cameras; see our EYH Solar Astronomy page for photos and workshop details. In 2005, we made scale models of the Solar System on the Mills campus and on portable rolls of paper; see the EYH Mapping the Solar System page for more information and pictures of the event. In 2006, we ran four mini-workshops on spectra, moon phases, comets, and craters; photos and handouts are at EYH Daytime Astronomy page.
Women in Astronomy presentation, 11/19/03
  In the fall of 2003, the women from UC Berkeley who had attended the Women in Astronomy II: Ten Years Later conference at Caltech the previous summer gathered to report on the conference to the UC Berkeley astronomy department. View our presentation, learn about the conference, and find related information on our presentation page.

  Women in Astronomy home

Last updated November 20, 2006.
Please send comments and additions to jhoffman at

Border from Horae, Paris, 1506
courtesy of the Medieval Woodcuts Clipart Collection.